Thursday, August 5, 2010

when you're sick and promise never to take being healthy for granted again...

Heck! I say this all the time when i'm sick, i'm such a sook and its something that has constantly churned in my head this past week. (But with a burger instead, with beef and cheese and pineapple and bacon and relish toasted in a panini bun instead.......oooohhhh Grill'd how you fulfill me!) DROOOOOOOOOOL ahhhhh it hurts!!! why did i just do that to myself? *sad face*

Two of my favourite things

On a much brighter note, SleepyBear compliments of Ashleigh Graham, has kept me company this past week as i endeavour to live on $2 a day. Good thing is  he didn't smell like food and i didn't feel bad not sharing my jelly with him, he understood and well.....slept while i devoured it anyway.

If you know me well, or perhaps not at all
You'd realise that i spend most of my day pondering on what's going to be in my stomach next.
It's like what Leo says in Inception, "They say we only use a fraction of our brain's true potential"
Well HECK MAJORITY of my true potential is spent thinking of food!!! Dammit!
And this week has critically challenged me, i can't focus in lectures and i can't do my readings without having to re read the sentence for the third time.

For me, LivingBelowTheLine is an experience that is truly irreplaceable and in no way could i have got a better glimpse what 1.4 billion people go through  E V E R Y D A Y than by taking up this challenge.Some people look at this campaign as a gesture of charity,  but as Mandela said

Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice. It is the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life.

And nothing hits home better than that. 

Poverty is pain.
It feels like a disease.
It attacks a person not only materially,
But also morally.
It eats away at ones dignity and
drives one into total despair.

Thank You Caitlin Fraraccio for your outstanding and generous contribution to changing the life of a Cambodian child 
much Admiration and Birthday Wishes to Steph Moroney who is celebrating while LivingBelowTheLine, you are amazing to be doing this during your birthday week!

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